Katrina Emtage - Nightfire
Katrina Emtage - Nightfire

Written as the days were darkening in November 2011, Nightfire invokes images of sparks in the dark, flickering shadows and engenders a feeling of primitive excitement and energy.

Duration: 5'30 approx
Difficulty: intermediate, includes some extended techniques

Ref: 513201/1

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Bass flute and cello £11.50
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Katrina Emtage - Nightfire

Written as the days were darkening in November 2011, Nightfire invokes images of sparks in the dark, flickering shadows and engenders a feeling of primitive excitement and energy.

Duration: 5'30 approx
Difficulty: intermediate, includes some extended techniques

Ref: 513201/1

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Bass flute and cello £11.50
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